Dear Neighbors,
We are trying to organize a Neighborhood Watch Program in our community. Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and most effective crime prevention programs in our country, bringing neighbors together with law enforcement to deter crime and help make our communities safe. By regularly going through the motions of Neighborhood Watch operations and training, the Watch shows criminals who might think to case the neighborhood that there are, in fact, individuals who are vigilant against the threat crime poses.
Officer Jones is the interim Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for District 6. She indicated as long as there were between 10–15 people who could attend the initial training, she and others would come to the community and provide three 2-hour training sessions, once a month to the Neighborhood Watch volunteers. The more people we have the better.
Please complete the below survey to help us canvas interest in a neighborhood watch.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to form a neighborhood watch program.
Responsibilities of the Neighborhood Watch Area Coordinator:
The Area Coordinator is a citizen volunteer position.
The Coordinator responsibilities include:
- Serve as liaison between members, law enforcement, civic groups and block captain.
- Arrange neighborhood crime prevention training
- Coordinate neighborhood watch training
- Obtain and distribute crime prevention materials to block captains
- Involve others in specific crime prevention projects
- Designate meetings for block captains and membership
Responsibilities of Block Captain:
The Block Captain is also a citizen volunteer position.
- Serves as spokesperson for the group
- Maintains a list of participants with telephone numbers and emergency contacts, and e-mail addresses
- Arrange training programs
- Designate work assignments
- Distribute materials
- Acts as liaison between group members and coordinator
- Identify an alternate block captain for periods when you are away and unable to perform the duties of a block captain
- Recruitment of new residents
Responsibilities of Watch Members:
Watch members are responsible for the following:
- Attend meetings
- Report suspicious or criminal activity to Police
- Help recruit new members
- Practice safety measures at home and in community
- Schedule home security survey with Community Service Officer
- Support captain and other leaders in their roles.