Gaithersburg Makes The Ranks

“Top 100 Best Cities for New Grads”

“Top 100 Best Cities for New Grads”

Gaithersburg came in 89th out of the “Top 100 Best Cities for New Grads” in 2017. analyzed data from 589 cities and towns across the country, looking at multiple factors, including: affordability, relative salary, availability of entry-level jobs, and the number of local amenities per capita. Proving that Gaithersburg is city is that’s both well established and up and coming. 

 “This ranking reinforces what we already know in Gaithersburg. It’s a great place to live,” said Mayor Jud Ashman. “With a vibrant and growing dining and entertainment scene, an active biotechnology and information technology community, and housing options that range from urban lifestyle apartments and condos to new urban neighborhoods perfect raising a family, all right next door to the nation’s capital, Gaithersburg is an ideal place to start the next phase of a young college graduate’s life.” 

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