Quick Garden Tips for Spring and Summer

Maintaining and beautifying the outdoors of you home should always be of growing interest, but even if you don’t have a green thumb, Mike McGrath of WTOP has some great advice to give before he goes on hiatus. You can view a couple of his quick tips below and view years of helpful posts on the station’s “Garden Plot” page by clicking here.

  • Don’t cut your grass too short

  • Water only in the morning and only if it hasn’t rained for a week

  • Grow in raised beds so you don’t step on the roots of your plants

  • Save and shred all your fall leaves for mulching and compost making

  • Inspect your garden daily so problems can be solved quickly

Don’t forget, there’s mulch to think about this season.

Avoid piling up too mulch to the base of trees. No volcanoes! It could rot the bark. Keep in mind, these wood chips can suck plant-feeding nitrogen from the soil—so be frugal with your spreading. Avoid mulch that has been dyed (it could be hiding diseased wood among other things) and consider yard-waste compost to your surrounding plants.